What language is spoken in Ottawa?
The primary language in Ottawa, Canada, is English. 45.5 % of Ottawa citizens speak only English.
However, the official second language is French. This is because Ottawa is a government city and it is located on the border of Quebec city. Therefore, you will hear Ottawans speaking both languages.
English is written on almost all signs in Ottawa. You will also find that many people in Ottawa are bilingual. This means they speak English and French.
While only 8.6% of people in the 2011 Census said French was their primary language, 44.8% identified themselves as speaking both English and French. 1.1% said their primary language was not English or French.
If you plan to visit Ottawa, you should learn a few fundamental French phrases. This will help you communicate with the locals.
If you work in Ottawa, you'll need to know some French to do any work with the Canadian government. They utilize both languages in the workplace. They will assist you with obtaining certificates and French instruction, as needed.
Overall, Ottawa is an extremely language-friendly city. You will have no problems talking in either English or French.
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