Canadian embassy in Bermuda - Canada immigration services

Canada Embassy in Bermuda is an office of communication between Canada Government and Bermuda Government. It operates as the official representative of Canada in Bermuda. The following is major information about Canada Embassy for Bermuda citizens and the way through which you can apply your visa to Canada.

Introduction about The Consulate of Canada, Hamilton, Bermuda

  • ADDRESS 73 Front Street, Hamilton, Bermuda, HM12
  • Telephone

    (441) 535-0144, (844) 880-6519

  • Email

    [email protected]

  • Office Hours

    Please call the Honorary Consulate of Canada in Hamilton, Bermuda, at (441) 535-0144, (844) 880-6519 to find out the current hours of operation and other details.

Most common services Canadian diplomatic missions provide are listed below:


While overseas, apply or renew your passport, and report any lost or stolen documents.

Visas and Immigration

Find out if you need a visa.

Emergency Services for Canadian citizens

Arrest and detention, child welfare, abduction and custody issues, death abroad, lost or stolen belongings abroad, hijacking, hostage takings and kidnappings, physical assault, sickness or injury, natural disasters and civil emergencies, etc.

Relations between Canada and Bermuda

The Canadian consulate is one of 21 foreign representations in Bermuda, one of 21 foreign representations in the city of Hamilton and one of 235 Canadian diplomatic and consular representations located abroad.
Canada's consulate in Hamilton is the sole Canadian representation located in Bermuda.
Bermuda does not currently have an embassy or a consulate in Canada.

How to apply for a Canada visa from Bermuda

To acquire a Canada visa in Bermuda, send the application form, passport photographs, and visa fee to the embassy. After your application has been finalized, you will be able to get your visa in person or by mail.

Useful information:

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!

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